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Programs > Criminal Justice (Master)
Master in Criminal Justice
This degree is awarded upon completion of two years of graduate study beyond a bachelor’s degree, and represents a mastery of a specific field of study.
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The Master of Arts in Criminal Justice (MACJ) provides you with the knowledge and skills to advance your criminal justice career. You will study the larger context of crime, why it exists and its impact on society, as well as gain a detailed understanding of the concept of justice and how it’s applied.

Schools That Offer Master in Criminal Justice
Pacific Oaks College
A nonprofit, regionally accredited higher education institution, Pacific Oaks offers bachelor’s completion and master’s programs in a variety of fields, including Human Development, Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT), Education, Early Childhood Education (ECE), Teacher Credentialing, and Organizational Leadership.
Southern New Hampshire University is a private, nonprofit, accredited institution with more than 3,000 on campus students, over 170,000 online students, making it one of the fastest growing universities in the nation. Since its founding in 1932, the University has transformed from a school of accounting and secretarial science into an institution offering over 200 programs, from certificates to doctoral level degrees including business, education, liberal arts, social sciences and STEM.
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